2024-07-01 13:58:48 浏览:

2024年6月24日至25日,江三角律师事务所高级合伙人、副主任屈晓蓉律师受邀参加由英国CM Murray LLP主办的2024年度高级执行顾问国际论坛(International Forum of Senior Executive Advisers 2024 Annual Conference,以下简称“IFSEA”或“本次论坛”)。
June 24-25, 2024, Ms. Cathy Qu, Senior partner and vice president of River Delta Law Firm, was invited to participate in the International Forum of Senior Executive Advisers 2024 hosted by CM Murray LLP Annual Conference, hereinafter referred to as "IFSEA" or "This Forum").

本次论坛在英国伦敦举办,聚焦高级管理人员和创始人的风险、回报、监管和声誉管理等问题。屈律师在闭幕专题讨论环节(Closing Plenary Session)就律师执业的边界、案件代理的选择、社会职责等全球共通问题展开讨论和观点分享,其来自中国的实操和视角受到在场嘉宾同行的广泛关注与高度好评!
The forum was held in London, UK, focusing on global risk, reward and reputation for senior executive and founders. Ms. Cathy Qu discussed and shared her views on global issues such as the boundaries of law practice, choice of representation, social responsibility and other common issues in the Closing Plenary Session, and her practice and perspective from China were widely noticed and highly praised by the guests and peers present!

In this IFSEA Forum, RDL lawyers have made their voices heard on the international stage, exchanged and shared experiences with outstanding lawyers around the world, listened to and learned from the legal practices of various countries, which is a move to implement the "two-way internationalization" strategy of RDL, and also to consolidate foreign-related legal services in an all-round way and build a first-class foreign-related legal service highland facing the world in the new era. In order to provide customers with cross-regional, cross-legal, the whole industry chain of in-depth services.

江三角重庆办公室多名律师入选重庆市江北区律工委专门/专业委员会 江三角荣膺“2024 ALB中国区域市场法律大奖:华东地区”提名