
2023-09-15 09:05:29   浏览:

2023年9月13日,知名法律媒体《亚洲法律概况》(Asialaw Profiles)正式公布2023/24亚洲法律概况榜单(Asialaw Profiles 2023/24 Edition)。凭借卓越的市场表现、精湛的专业能力与突出的客户口碑,江三角在劳动与雇佣领域再次获评“重点推荐律所”(Highly Recommended),这也是江三角连续获此荣誉的第三年。
与此同时,江三角首席合伙人、主任陆敬波律师亦蝉联“业界元老”(Senior Statesman)称号。这是该组织颁出所有个人奖项中的最高荣誉,陆律师已连续四年获得此殊荣。
On September 13, 2023, the well-known Asian legal media "Asialaw Profiles" officially announced the results of the 2023/24 Asian Legal Profiles (Asialaw Profiles 2023/24 Edition). Thanks to its outstanding market performance, professional competence and outstanding client reputation, RDL was once again awarded the "Highly Recommended Law Firm" in the field of labor and employment, which is the third consecutive year that RDL has received this honor.
At the same time, its founder and president, Mr Jason LU, also continued to win the title of "Senior Statesman". This is the highest honor among all individual awards given by the organization, and Jason has won this honor for four consecutive years.